Orlando – Following the successful vaccination of nearly 10,000 medical professionals and other individuals at risk of COVID-19 exposure, Orlando Health expanded its vaccination program Monday morning to reach more members of the communityby appointment.
The health system is on its way to vaccinating 30,000 Central Floridians to protect them from COVID-19. All appointments are now taken, but more will be scheduled when additional doses are received.
Keep checking OrlandoHealth.com/COVIDVaccine for updates on our expanding vaccination program.
The Moderna COVID-19 vaccine requires two doses spaced 4 weeks apart. Scheduling for dose one and dose two of the vaccine is required. Those who receive the vaccine should plan to remain in the post-vaccination observation area for up to 30 minutes. The total time from arrival at the vaccination site to departing the observation area will vary, but may be up to 90 minutes. Prior to vaccination, review of product-specific safety information and consent will be required. A form of identification is required at the time of the appointment.
Additional information on the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine can be found at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/different-vaccines/Moderna.html.