2022 Guidelines for Contributed Editorial


Thank you for your interest in contributing editorial copy to Orlando Medical News. We are always appreciative of articles from experts in their field providing the latest information and developments.

 There are just a few guidelines that we ask our contributors to remember to make the process smoother.

 To submit your article directly to the website.

Go to our homepage at, look at the top of the right hand column and click on “Register” in the red bar. Follow the instructions to become a user.

Once you have completed steps to become a user, log in to the site and click on your user name in the red bar and click in the dropdown menu on “New article”

Submit the article information and content as required and save for review. That’s it.

We will review it and publish it.

 Submitting directly to the staff.  

If you wish to bypass a submission directly to the website then please feel free to send your article by email directly to BOTH the Editor and the Publisher at INFO@ORLANDOMEDICALNEWS.COM  If submitting by email, please put “CE for Medical News” in the subject line.


The article needs to be provided by a single or pair of authors.

 Articles must be non-advertorial. Promotion of the author’s business or branded product within the article requires that we reject it. There can be a generic discussion of a product and if it is, for instance, new to the market we can, at our discretion, allow a single brand reference without superlatives; subsequent references need to be generic in nature.

 Articles need to be narratives expressing the author’s expertise and without dialogue or quotes. Please keep them between 750 and 1000 words with a 60-75 word boilerplate at the end of the copy mentioning items such as the author’s name, position, business, relevant expertise and email contact and website, but no phone numbers.  Please remember that Medical News is a B2B publication for the healthcare community. Articles directed to healthcare consumers do not represent our target market.


The submission needs to include two attached files: A Word document with the boilerplate at the end of the copy and a high resolution (250 dpi or better) headshot of the author/s.


Articles are subject to editing for style and are not returned for proofing by the author except at our discretion for clarification.

 Please format the heading of the copy as follows:


Name of publication

Year and month

Word count


Author name


Please feel free to contact the editor with any questions you have at any stage of the process. We are glad to answer questions and very much appreciate your contributions. Articles are subject to available space in a specific month; approved articles are held over for use at a later time so resubmission is not necessary.


Thank you so much,

Orlando Medical News

North Central Florida Medical News

Volusia/Brevard Medical News


















Then return to the homepage, login at the Share button, and the page to submit your article will be immediately available. Simple fill-ins and a review button below will alert us to review and publish the article.

As always, we appreciate your articles and welcome your expertise informing the Central Florida Healthcare Community.