Integrated Care 101: Coordinating Care, Delivering Value through Innovation

Jul 02, 2017 at 03:19 pm by Staff

By Abhinav Shashank

The U.S. healthcare has transformed drastically over the past decade and has successfully managed to provide care to chronically ill patients. However, the healthcare system is also well-known for delivering care at skyrocketing costs. The U.S. healthcare system faces significant challenges that call for urgent reform- underutilized preventive care, high spending on complex diseases, fragmented care for chronic patients, etc.

These problems mainly arise due to a lack of coordination of care, which is not surprising given the insufficient payment support and inadequate interoperability standards. In this era of rising medical costs, the way out for implementing best practices is integrated care models, bringing together all providers.

The 'why' behind integrated care

Improving the quality of care is not possible without reforming the healthcare delivery system and aiming to provide access to the right care at the right time. The underlying idea of integrated care is to keep people healthy, focus on preventive care, and avoid sudden complications and readmissions. Here are some major factors that drive the need for integrated care:

The need for disruptive innovation in integrated care

As important as integrated care is, there are several challenges in the existing scenario: inadequate data, the lack of interoperability between systems, poor incentives, less informed providers, etc. The key to all these challenges is to be more nimble, targeted, and coordinated in care delivery by tapping innovations that will drastically improve the clinical outcomes in the following ways:

A patient-centric take on integrated care

Healthcare providers rarely look at healthcare through the patient's end. The attitude has been changing, true, but patients still face difficulties with long-term, incurable and costly conditions. It's high time professionals focused on preventing and managing sudden episodes and delivering quality over longevity. Integrated care teams should focus on assessing specific needs, putting together comprehensive solutions, and ensuring adherence. The need of the hour is to put in multi-pronged efforts that increase satisfaction, improve outcomes, and enhance the quality of care and quality of life.

Abhinav Shashank, Co-Founder & CEO at Innovaccer, is an expert in population health management and robust technologies. For the better part of the decade he has been working to revolutionize healthcare delivery with 25+ value-focused organization and making over 10 million lives better. Visit

Sections: Business/Technology