$100 Million Telehealth Pilot Project Announced

Jun 19, 2019 at 10:59 am by Staff


FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr visited a community health care clinic in rural Laurel Fork, Virginia which sits in the southwest corner of the state. Carr announced that the FCC will be voting at its July 10th meeting to advance a $100 million Connected Care Pilot Program to support telehealth for low-income Americans across the country, including those living in rural areas and veterans. At the clinic, two patients with diabetes demonstrated how they are using remote monitoring technologies to improve their health.


"With advances in telemedicine, health care is no longer limited to the confines of traditional brick and mortar health care facilities," said Commissioner Carr. "With an Internet connection, patients can now access high-quality care right on their smartphones, tablets, or other devices regardless of where they are located. I think the FCC should support this new trend towards connected care, which is the healthcare equivalent of moving from Blockbuster to Netflix. That's why the FCC will vote to advance my $100 million pilot program at our July 10 meeting. It will focus on ensuring that low-income Americans and veterans can access this technology. Particularly in rural communities like Laurel Fork, where the nearest hospital is in a different state, access to telehealth can make a life-saving difference."


"In Laurel Fork, telehealth is already delivering results," continued Carr. "Diabetes patients here that participated in a remote telehealth program saw their A1C levels decline by 2.2 points on average, which significantly reduced their risk of renal disease, heart disease, and death caused by those conditions. Through the Connected Care Pilot Program, the FCC can build on the success of projects like these, which are helping create a model for the adoption of connected care technologies and bridging the doctor divide in rural America."


The FCC will vote on a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking at its July Open Meeting that seeks comment on:



Connected care has resulted in substantial savings, particularly in the management of chronic diseases, which account for over 85 percent of direct health care spending in the U.S.:



Connected care technologies are also improving health outcomes for patients:


Sections: Business/Technology