DOH-Orange and Orange TV to Broadcast Healthy Connections

Feb 15, 2020 at 12:23 am by pj


In partnership with Orange County Government’s Orange TV, the Florida Department of Health in Orange County (DOH-Orange) has produced a health focused television show called Healthy Connections.


In a series of five-minute segments that were produced in the field and in the studio, Healthy Connections highlights topics that can improve lifestyles for healthy outcomes, offer preventive care information, and address health concerns. The program also showcases DOH-Orange’s many offerings to the community and goes in-depth on services such as the investigative nature of the Disease Detectives from the Epidemiology program and the world of tattoo licensing and inspections.


Healthy Connections also features pressing health issues in a segment called Talking Health with the Health Officer. Hosted by Orange TV’s Annetta Wilson, DOH-Orange’s Health Officer Dr. Raul Pino gives the viewer a perspective on topics like the Hepatitis A Outbreak, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), and the CDC’s 6/18 Initiative to name a few.


The Healthy Connections program can be viewed on Orange TV Channel 488 on Spectrum (formerly Bright House), Channel 9 on Comcast, 1081 CenturyLink Prism TV, WSWF Channel 10.2 -Digital Over the Air, on the web at, and now on ROKU in the Education category.


For more information on DOH-Orange, please visit

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