The Internet is Still Great for Your Medical Practice

Oct 31, 2019 at 02:47 pm by pj




In June of 2015, I wrote an article on Linkedin entitled Is Social Media Good for Your Practice? Most of what I said then still applies now because it showed how the internet, in general, remains an integral and necessary part of business and practice growth for consumer engagement. This thought process applies to both new and current clients.

The internet, in truth, is really the lifeblood of any fee for service business or practice.


Because we live in a Mobile First world

It’s where patients find out about who you are, what you can do for them, and if your products or services meet their budget.


From the outset, a monthly marketing budget must be established. Why? Because you can’t reach your income goals unless you know how many customers are needed and what it will cost to reach that number of paying customers.

In today’s competitive environment, marketing isn't free. But if you set a budget, make a plan for every month, and use all or most of the listed tools, you'll find continued and sustained growth in your business or medical practice.


How much do you need to spend? Typically, a budget of 20 percent or no less than 15 percent of your monthly gross income. That number is based on the fact that marketing is a necessary expense and should be viewed as a part of the monthly expenses.


When you start your marketing program, what are the tools you should use?

Here are some typical things that go into your website: About Us, Product Images, Before and After images, Video, Contact Form or Patient Portals, Blogs, and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), Testimonials or Recommendations.

In the aesthetic industry, the more before and after images you show to consumers the better the proof of results and finally request for an appointment.

Videos, on the other hand, provide a live view of the possible experience a customer can expect when being treated at your practice or place of business.

Having a Patient Portal provides a way for some of the pre-authorization forms to be processed, thereby reducing wait times.

FAQ - (Frequently Asked Questions) Provide answers for some of the most frequently asked questions your business gets from inquiring customers. It is also a nice way to educate your patient population on some of the many services or treatment plans that are requested most often.

Today’s consumers run hot and cold based on the time of the day, month, or year, it's best not to put your eggs all in one basket. Trial and error will determine what works best for your business or practice. Be patient and stay the course because it may take time for branding to take place and traction to begin - no less than six months.



Let's take a look at some of these easy to use tools

Regardless of how a business or medical practice may feel, if you don't feed them, they won't feed you new prospects of any kind beyond intermittent organic leads.

In our view at Social Media Solutions for Doctors, Google Ad Words can still be an essential part of any marketing or new website design program as it enables businesses to set a daily, weekly, monthly, or annual budget for lead generation and new customer acquisition via online advertising.

Google Ad Words are largely focused and/or targeted via specific keywords which again identify products, services, people and brands that a person or company might search for or has expressed an interest in via their Google, Yahoo, or Bing searches

Every practice and business has high and low revenue cycles, know what your business highs and lows are and adjust the marketing budget accordingly. We tell all our clients, plan ahead for slow months, and expect to spend more during these slow times as your competition is likely adjusting their own budget upwards to reach those buying prospects during this down cycle.

The great part with Google Ad words is that you only pay when people click the featured link that takes buyers to a dedicated landing page or your website contact page where questions get answered, services get promoted or where you can display products that get purchased online. It also provides the ability to understand your buying audience, their customer needs and what types of leads become buying consumers who pay most often from your website.

Because Google Ad Words has the ability to move you to the front of the line and above Organic search results. You should expect to pay a premium for this opportunity of the preferred placement. Otherwise, without great content related to the topic or service, most businesses or resources find themselves languishing just beneath paid search placement with little or no traffic. So the rule of thumb with Google AdWords is Pay To Play!

Newsletters: A newsletter’s primary goal is to keep current patients or prospects up to date on the latest and greatest related to products, services, or planned events. This should be done quarterly and is most effective when you're announcing some milestone or major business achievement.

Email blasts: Email blasts should be used monthly and provide a list of in-office specials or online specials which the business or practice offers. You can also list upcoming events, new patient testimonials or before and after images from happy patients. However, we advise before you use any patient images, that you have the patient release forms completed and in the patient's record showing approval to use their online image in your marketing information. This can be a great tool, but overuse can cause even your most loyal customers to unsubscribe.

Blogs: Blogs provide an ongoing update of information and lead generation related to treatment pathways or services that your most frequent users care about. It also provides a great resource for helping with organic ranking. Because Google is nothing more than a big online library the Google spiders tend to always source new information for the search engines to display.

By adding meta tags (internal keywords for sourcing the video) for each video that relates to a topic, you can post a video that is sourced by category, products, services, interviews, how to demos, and music selection. YouTube videos can be shared across most if not all social media platforms, newsletters, blogs, websites, landing pages and pay per click programs.


Now that we’ve identified several of the major players in capturing new business, or patient leads. Expect that there will be more on the horizon. And you can also expect that within each company that we've listed, they will continue to make updates and modifications within their own platforms as their goal is to capture you in their net or have you select them as the go-to company used to acquire new business or patients.

The truth is, no one size fits all since each company impacts different audiences.

All the new or current services you provide are tied to your ability to be seen, heard, or identified. Using all or some of the listed tools will help you maintain and grow your business or medical practice. Failure to use these tools properly, show misleading information or images or having a budget that is too small for the audience you want to reach will slow or kill your business brand or medical practice profits.

Set a budget, be willing to modify if needed, and try as many tools as you can.

Our next discussion will center around third-party marketers, and directories. Who are they?  Do they help or hurt, or can you do it yourself?


Quintin L. Gunn Sr. is a Practice Development Consultant with Social Media Solutions for Doctors. Visit


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